Category Archives: On the Farm

Farming in the Off-Season

This time of year may be our slower time, or what we call our “off-season”, [...]

Trust Me, I’m a Farmer.

Trust me, I’m a farmer. Man, I wish it were that easy. ⁣⁣ With all [...]

Mother Nature is a Blessing

Merry Halloween everyone!  It seems fitting that it’s snowing on Halloween this year after the [...]

‘Twas the Night Before Harvest

‘Twas the night before harvest, when all through the house; the farmer was stirring, disrupting [...]

Why Nigerian Dwarf Goats?

I’ve always been an animal lover and I fell in love with goats at a [...]

Behind the Scenes-Feeding Farmers

What does it look like to prep a meal for farmers? Watch the video below [...]