We Rent

We rent the majority of the land we farm.  

More than half of the row crop land farmed in the US is rented. (USDA)

We rent because, well… buying land is expensive and it doesn’t come up for sale every day. 

How does renting work?  Just like someone rents a house or an apartment, we sign a lease with the landowner and agree on an amount per acre per year.  We agree on the length of the lease, terms of payment, and anything else to specify what is done to the land. 

More isn’t always better when it comes to land.  We work to produce as much as we can efficiently with the acres we run.  Just because you have more acres, doesn’t mean you’ll have more bushels. 

Relationships with landowners are very important to us.  We treat the land as if it were our own and we work to create long term relationships that allow us to invest in and improve