Wrapping Up Sidedress 2020

Last day of sidedress 2020.  It’s a good thing too because this rig won’t fit through the corn after a couple more days.  This is one of our last planted, shortest cornfields.  Some of our early planted fields will be starting to tassel later this week! 

It’s strange to drive around and see our cornfields at all different stages due to our drawn-out planting season.  We’ll be starting fungicide applications soon, but that will be spread out as well because the corn needs fungicide at a pretty specific time. 

I’ve got a lot more in-season farm info coming your way this week. I hope you’re ready for it!  As always, if you have questions, I’m here to be a friendly source of information. 

p.s.  Thank you daddy Josh for asking Hank to come ride along today