Harvest THRIVAL Kits

Between wrangling kids, making lunches, feeding crews, and keeping the equipment rolling we never know what each day will bring as a farm wife.  I like to take this time of year, right before harvest starts, to organize harvest kits for my family and I. These kits ride along in the combine and in my car and have a few things to help us stay prepared. 

What does a family of four need to bring along to THRIVE through harvest? See below: 

In the Cab

The cab kit includes mostly things for my farmer.  Note: He packs his lunch, snacks, and drinks everyday. The items in this kit are things he likes to have along to feel prepared for both the expected and unexpected.

Cab Kit List

Mom & Kids

I’ve got a couple kits that live in my car, one that sits on the passenger’s seat and one that lives in the trunk. 

Keep in mind, I have a four year old and a one year old in tow and the kits I have help all of us stay prepared on unexpected harvest days. 

Mom & Kids Kit